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Hiki iā mākou ke kōkua iāʻoe ---- We can help you!

If you are looking for a firm simply to do your taxes then you may be at the wrong place.  We realize you may not be used to seeing tax professionals talk like this.  It's not our intention to offend (we're actually being very careful with our words--we are accounting and tax professionals, after all)  But we think you'll agree that the times we're currently facing require a little straight talk.

Here's a certain truth: The State and Federal Government would love to have more of your hard-earned money in their accounts.  Sure, even though it's painful, none of us begrudge paying our legal and fair share of taxes.

But the problem is that regular taxpayers, like you, are missing out on legal and safe deductions, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in unclaimed refunds every year!

As tax professionals, it truly breaks our hearts, knowing that just a few thousand or even a few hundred dollars for us "regular folks" out of that vast pool of overcharging could make a world of difference--and they are just sitting there unclaimed!  And with the economy we're facing's essential that the "right" professional handles your taxes and other financial matters.

You see, all tax professionals are not the same.  From the so-called "discount chains" (notice the quotes) to classic accounting firms, most fly through tax season in a disorganized mess bleary-eyed and hopped-up on caffeine.  It's no wonder that they treat you like a number and lapse into excuses and tax-talk.

When you make up your mind to contact us, be ready to be stunned by our breadth of knowledge and experience! (We told you we could be blunt!).  Why wait?  Isn't it time to get the service you deserve?

Our Online Office brings financial services directly into your home or business enabling you to more actively participate in your financial management.

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In The News

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PII. Know it. Protect it.

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Municipal Bonds - Time to Take Another Look

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